Sunday, September 25, 2011

Carnegie Council: The Voice for Ethics in International Affairs

This is a great site if you are interested in International Affairs or Current Events!! They have video, audio, articles, plus more on international topics. The latest deals with 9/11.

Main Page:

Global Ethics Corner: Ten Years After 9/11: What Have We Learned?

Ethics & International Affairs Journal (quarterly)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Period 5 Reflections on 9/11

In the days following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Americans were questioning the type of world they were living in. People were looking for an outlet for their fears, their pride in their country, the kindness of strangers, human loss and tragedy, plus other pressures. Music is one example of an outlet people turned to. Music allows time for reflection and provides comfort in uncertain times. A decade has passed after the tragedy and music has continued to play a role both dealing with and memorializing the events on 9/11.

What music do you think reflects the changing times and gave strength and comfort to people after 9/11? What songs continue to act as a remembrance of the events of 9/11?

P.1 Abay's Student's Reflections On 9/11 Terrorist Attacks 10 Year Anniversary

In the days following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Americans were questioning the type of world they were living in. People were looking for an outlet for their fears, their pride in their country, the kindness of strangers, human loss and tragedy, plus other pressures. Music is one example of an outlet people turned to. Music allows time for reflection and provides comfort in uncertain times. A decade has passed after the tragedy and music has continued to play a role both dealing with and memorializing the events on 9/11.

What music do you think reflects the changing times and gave strength and comfort to people after 9/11? What songs continue to act as a remembrance of the events of 9/11?