Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Earth Day!! Check out the following links!

Carnegie Council LogoEARTH DAY 2015:
Resources from Carnegie Council
April 22, 2015

First Autumn sunset on a beach. Picture by Moyan Brenn on Flickr (CC).
 First Autumn sunset on a beach. Picture by Moyan Brenn on Flickr (CC)
How can we find sustainable ways to feed the world's exploding population? How can we tackle climate change? How can we confront the moral dilemmas it presents?
To mark Earth Day 2015, this selection of Carnegie Council resources from the past year offers both innovative solutions and searching debates.

Eating "Ugly," a New Healthy Trend
Jordan Figueiredo, End Food Waste
England and France are using creativity to push consumers to buy "ugly" fruits and vegetables. Does the world really need to produce more food? (March 2015, Policy Innovations article)

"Soy is a Huge Cloud Over All Agriculture"

Irene Pedruelo, Policy Innovations 
Kathryn Redford has a mission: revolutionize the meat industry. How? By using insects in animal feed, instead of soy or corn. (January 2015, Policy Innovations interview)

Local Food Systems: A Green Way of Life, or a Luxury Only for Elites?

Kelly Hodgins, Feeding Nine Billion
While many celebrate salad greens, the local food movement is cultivating exclusivity and becoming less and less budget friendly. (November 2014, Policy Innovations article)

The Next Generation Greenhouse

Esther Dyson, EDventure Holdings
Four Dutch engineers have developed plant production units the size of a city block and just a few stories high, capable of producing the same volume of crops as a large farm. (August 2014, Policy Innovationsarticle)

China Could Move First to Geoengineer the Climate
Olivia Boyd, ChinaDialogue
As geoengineering advocates talk up the "technofix" approach to climate change, governments may start intervening unilaterally in earth's systems, says Clive Hamilton. (October 2014, Policy Innovations article)


Good Environmental Policies Equal More Just Societies

Alison Singer, Freelance writer
Conserving natural resources and the environment is an integral part of a socially just society. The big challenge is to make sure that decision-makers recognize this—and act on it. (March 2015, Policy Innovations article)

The Rights of Nature: Reconsidered

Peter Burdon, Adelaide Law School
Peter Burdon argues that the environmental rights movement would benefit from more strenuous critical engagement with the question of nature's potential legal "rights." (March 2015, Policy Innovations article)

Climate Change and the Future of Humanity

Dale Jamieson, New York University; Darrel Moellendorf, Goethe University; Mary Robinson, Mary Robinson Foundation—Climate Justice; Henry Shue, University of Oxford
Climate change is already here. The seas are rising, the glaciers are melting, and the atmosphere is warming. How can we work together to set a different course for humanity? (September 2014, Public Affairs Program, transcript, audio, and video clips)

Why Climate Change Divestment Will Not Work

Scott Wisor, University of Birmingham 
Instead of devoting scarce resources toward a divestment campaign, we need to direct attention to the more urgent and effective task of placing a price on carbon. (September 2014, Ethics & International Affairs online exclusive)

Ethics & International Affairs Symposium: The Facts, Fictions, and Future of Climate Change
Published in the Fall 2014 issue to coincide with the UN Climate Summit in September, this Centennial symposium discusses the new ethical and policy dilemmas of climate change.

A Call for a Global Constitutional Convention Focused on Future Generations

Stephen M. Gardiner, University of Washington
The climate problem is usually misdiagnosed as a traditional tragedy of the commons, but this obscures two deeper and distinctively ethical challenges. We must call for a global constitutional convention focused on future generations.

The Dawning of an Earth Ethic 

Scott Russell Sanders, Author
So far we have failed to act on the scale or with the urgency required to avert the unfolding disaster of climate change. Why are we failing? What keeps us from caring for the atmosphere as a shared, finite, and fragile envelope for life?

Ethical Enhancement in an Age of Climate Change

Paul Wapner, American University
The world is dashing toward greater and more devastating climate intensification. Nonetheless, opportunities for moral action abound.

Moral Collapse in a Warming World

Clive Hamilton, Author
When it comes to climate change, moral corruption prevails not because the situation is inherently murky, but because confusion has been deliberately sown.

Three Questions on Climate Change

Clare Palmer, Texas A&M University
Climate change will have highly significant and largely negative effects on human societies into the foreseeable future, effects that are already generating ethical and policy dilemmas of unprecedented scope, scale, and complexity.

The Changing Ethics of Climate Change

Daniel Mittler, Greenpeace International
Traditional framings of climate change action being about future generations or simply another dimension of the North-South divide in global geopolitics are not irrelevant today, but they are no longer sufficient.

A "Natural" Proposal for Addressing Climate Change

Thomas E. Lovejoy, George Mason University
One of the fundamental challenges of climate change is that we contribute to it increment by increment, and experience it increment by increment after a considerable time lag.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

FYI--Interesting shows to check out tonight on PBS

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