Saturday, August 23, 2014

Getting into the Super Hero theme!

MissAmericaComics n1 1944.jpg
Miss America (1944 cover)
Well this is the superhero I have chosen and have modeled myself after.  It is still a work in progress and may change some.  Thanks to Marvel Comics and D.C. Comics for inspiration and all those who have lost their lives fighting evil.  The cool thing about researching this is finding out some history how comic books developed popularity -- check out the "Golden Age of Comics" around 1930s-1950s.   I always have a historical angle to everything so get used to it.  Themes to think of:  "change over time,"  pop culture, consumerism, propaganda, gender history, military history, etc.  This also is an example of a primary source.  So here goes my inspiration and the character I am editing:

Mrs. America (2014)

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